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It's Competition Time!

One of APD's talented apprentices, Nathan Brown, has been encouraged by his college lecturer to enter this year's SkillELECTRIC competition. SkillELECTRIC is the search for the UK’s best young electrician and the premier skills competition for the UK’s electrical industry.

Each year, the best electrical students and apprentices from across the UK compete to win a place in the competition’s grand final.

Stage 1 of the competition involved an online, timed, interactive test to assess electrotechnical knowledge. Nathan took part in this back in April and is pleased to report he passed! Which means he's off to the national qualifier heats.

The heats started in May and are taking place up and down the country over the next few weeks. This stage of the competition involves a live practical skills test, which Nathan will be taking part in next week.

Then the highest scoring competitors across all UK heats combined will be invited to compete at the UK final in November. Those who demonstrate exceptional talent also have the chance to represent their country at EuroSkills and WorldSkills events around the globe. No pressure then!

Nathan is following in the footsteps of past apprentices; Brady Little and Adam Graham who have both taken part and been successful in similar competition's in the past.

Best of luck for the heats Nathan!

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